How to Write a Vision Statement?

Because mission and vision statements are often discussed together, your mission statement describes what you do

Your vision statement is your business's ultimate goal.

Because mission and vision statements are often discussed together, your mission statement describes what you do. Your vision statement, however, is your view after you're done.

Here are some formal definitions that will help you understand the concept.

A vision statement is a description of the aspirations and goals that an organization wants to achieve in the long-term and mid-term. It serves as a guideline for future and current actions.

A vision statement is similar to a mission statement. It provides stakeholders and employees with a tangible way to understand your business' purpose and meaning. A vision statement, however, is not like a mission statement, which describes the why, who, and what of your business. It describes the long-term goals of your company's efforts. An example of a Microsoft vision statement from the early days was "a computer at every desk and in every house."

Katie Trauth Taylor (CEO of Untold Content), stated that a company vision statement is a way to communicate at the highest level what the organization hopes to become and accomplish in the long-term. It serves a rather lofty purpose: to combine all of the company's vision into one powerful statement.


You can see these conceptual definitions in action. Scroll through the following examples to see how famous companies communicate their vision.

Google: "To give you access to all the information on the planet in one click."

Webblog: "Provide Everything to Every people."

Amazon: "To be the most customer-centric company on Earth, where customers can discover and find anything they may want to purchase online."

Target: "Guided commitments towards great value, community, diversity and the environment."


Now it is your turn. Based on the structure, you can create a vision statement to describe your business.

Also check: Checklist Creator Tool for Coachers


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