Writing term papers

In contrast to the instructions for diplomas and term papers, tutorials on the design of the abstract are extremely rare in nature.

We decided to correct this misunderstanding https://essayassistant.org/ and give you some useful tips on the design of the abstract in case you have to submit it for review in writing.

The title page and table of contents of the abstract is the first thing the teacher sees. It must have the following information: university, department, theme of the report, name of the report, name of the teacher, date, city.

In the abstract, the content is certainly more important than the form, but the form can spoil the impression of the content. To avoid this happens, we suggest downloading a sample design of the title page of the abstract for students.

Table of contents may not do, if the report is small and not divided into https://essayassistant.org/buy-coursework-online/ sections. Otherwise, immediately after the title page, on the first sheet of the abstract, place the table of contents. Use Times New Roman 14 font, capital or small letters.

For the main body of the paper, by standard, use Times New Roman font, 12 or 14 point, line spacing - 1 or 1.5, at the end of the titles do not put a dot.

Illustrations: all charts, figures, graphs and photos must be numbered. There is also an exception if there is only one illustration in the report. The title is to be written under the illustration, centered. It does not matter what is shown in the picture. It should always be signed with the word "picture".

The list of references is a separate headache.

Remember the sequence in which the data should be listed for each https://essayassistant.org/python-homework-help/ book: name of the author, title of the book, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, number of pages.

For articles: author's name, article title, journal title, year of publication, issue number, page numbers with the article.

The correct design of the abstract in some cases is an important component of success. Now you know how to design an abstract with your own hands. I wish all speakers to perform successfully and get an excellent score.


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Alexander Floyd

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